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Session Fees include:

Custom Editing to reflect the style and artistry of Sarah Hancock Photography

Unlimited Outfit Changes (time restraint applies)

Online Gallery for viewing and ordering


Senior Portrait Session Fee (1 Hour):



Couples/Engagement Session Fee (1 Hour):




Maternity Session Fee (1 Hour):




Family Session Fee (1 Hour):



*Up to 6 people are welcome for this fee Please add $25 for each additional person*



Platinum Collection: $400


2 Keepsake DVDs with 20-25 Images from session

$300 Print Credit

25% discount on regular print pricing



Full Collection: $300


Includes Keepsake DVD with 20-25 images from session

$225 Print Credit

25% discount on regular print pricing



The Must-Haves: $225


Includes Keepsake DVD with 20 images from session

$150 print Credit

25% discount on regular print pricing



The Bare Necessities: $150


Includes Keepsake DVD with 10 Images from Session

$50 print credit

25% discount on regular print pricing



A La Carte Pricing


Prints Only:


Starting at $4.50 with min. $50 order

Orders over $100 recieve 25% off! 

*Canvas/Gallery wraps available*

*Custom collections available*

 Contact us for pricing





All prod­uct orders must be paid prior to pro­cess­ing. Because all images and orders are cus­tom cre­ated for each indi­vid­ual client, no refunds are allowed. I have invested a lot of time and research to pro­vid­ing my clients with the most qual­ity prints and prod­ucts. Every effort is made to ensure you receive the best prod­ucts avail­able and that you will be happy with and share for years to come.


All images pro­duced by Sarah Hancock Photography are the copy­right prop­erty of Sarah Hancock, and as such any image in your ses­sion Sarah has the right to use for any pur­pose includ­ing repro­duc­tion for the pur­poses of port­fo­lio, dis­play, online pro­mo­tion, con­tests or sale. Clients are not allowed to repro­duce, crop, alter or edit these images (includ­ing dig­i­tal files or thumb­nails) in any way unless given writ­ten con­sent by Sarah Hancock. If you were to do so, you would be in vio­la­tion of copy­right law.


Pric­ing may change at any time. Please refer to this web­site for the most cur­rent infor­ma­tion. If prices change after your ses­sion is booked, the prices cur­rent at the time of your book­ing will be honored.

© 2023 by Sarah Hancock Photography.

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